Level 2 (EAF IS™)

Information is an extremely valuable tool that helps you have a greater control over operations. Meltshop Level 2 provides you with meaningful data regarding the performance of your EAF, Ladle Furnace or Continuous Caster. As a result, you'll be able to improve your production process and reduce costs.

EAF IS is an Electric Arc Furnace information system designed by the most experienced engineers, whose purpose is to register all data related to the heat, which is produced on the melting furnace such as: grade of steel, the scrap used, electrical, electrode and gas consumption, among others.

Information is divided in several categories:

     · Charges
     · General Information
     · Production Schedule
     · Events
     · Delays
     · Chemical Analysis
     · Life Data

For more detailed information on the EAF IS (Level 2) system, please click HERE.

AMI is an international automation and control solutions company. They automate industrial processes in diverse industries such as: Steel, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Oil and Gas, Automotive Industry, Mining, among others.

AMI offers industry leading equipment, software & services in the areas of Drive Systems, Meltshops and Industrial Automation.

AMI is your best ally, in the optimization, control, efficiency, standardization, and security of your processes. AMI offers custom fit solutions for all your requirements.

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